Make a Multi Select list Behave like the Components Field!

This is a very handy solution that is easy to implement!  If you have a Select List (multiple choices) that is populated with too many choices it can be a pain to search through them.  By simply adding the following code to the description of your select list it will become an auto complete & drop down field:

Auto Complete / Drop Down
<script type="text/javascript">
(function($) {
    AJS.$("#customfield_13785 option[value='-1']").remove(); //Removes the default value "None"
    function convertMulti(id){
        if (AJS.$('#'+id+"-textarea").length == 0){
            new AJS.MultiSelect({
                element: $("#"+id),
                itemAttrDisplayed: "label",
                errorMessage: AJS.params.multiselectComponentsError
    JIRA.bind(JIRA.Events.NEW_CONTENT_ADDED, function (e, context) {
        AJS.$("#customfield_<id> option[value='-1']").remove();


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